I generally consider myself to be a healthy person. Granted, I don’t work out at the gym every day or run five miles before coming to work, but I always thought that if I ate right, got some exercise, and didn’t over-indulge I’d live a long and happy life. I was correct in my assumption, with one exception. I wasn’t eating “right.” That’s changed in the past few weeks.

Without getting into too much detail, let’s just say a visit to a local animal farm made me want to try Veganism. Being a doctor, I researched it thoroughly and made the transition to what I believe is a far healthier approach to nutrition. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not condemning you if you’re a meat eater. To each his own. I would, however, like to point out some of the benefits of Veganism for you.

The Vegan Anti-Inflammatory Diet

There’s a great article on this at the website “Cook for Your Life.” It focuses on Veganism to lose weight and reduce chronic inflammation. The website is targeted to those suffering from cancer, a disease where inflammation can complicate treatment, even cause spreading or initial outbreaks. Eliminating dairy and meat products helps keep this under control.

The science behind this has been well-documented. Phytochemicals found in berries, vegetables, fruits, and nuts inhibit inflammation. These foods are also excellent sources of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin B6, C, and E, all of which help to keep inflammation down. Animals foods such as meat and cheese have the opposite effect. They tend to cause inflammation and swelling.

Another key to this anti-inflammatory diet is to limit refined carbs and optimize fat. Refined carbohydrates rapidly produce sugars that will raise your glycemic index and lead to high blood pressure (which causes inflammation). Carrying too much weight has the same effect. You need a certain amount of fat in your diet, but you should avoid saturated trans fats.

Veganism and Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors are doctors who focus on non-surgical techniques to relieve pain and recover from injuries. There’s a lot that we can do in these areas, but results are always better when the patient takes personal responsibility and does their part. A proper nutritional program can boost the immune system and help the body heal faster. Veganism is that type of nutrition program.

Not everyone wants to embrace a Vegan lifestyle, but it’s important to understand the benefits your body receives from eating different types of foods. Did you know that non-dairy yogurt, olive oil, and walnuts can all help boost your immune system? How much flaxseed or avocado do you eat? I encourage you to read up on each of these and incorporate them into your diet.

Medical Professionals Agree that Veganism is Healthier

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that, “Vegans, compared with omnivores, consume substantially greater quantities of fruit and vegetables. A higher consumption of fruit and vegetables, which are rich in fiber, folic acid, antioxidants, and phytochemicals, is associated with lower blood cholesterol concentrations, a lower incidence of stroke, and a lower risk of mortality from stroke and ischemic heart disease.” Those are compelling reasons to adopt a Vegan lifestyle.

Personally, I (also a medical professional), prefer the guilt-free experience of eating food that was not either slaughtered or produced by a captive and/or abused animal. My understanding of this was enhanced by my visit to the animal farm and confirmed by the research I’ve done in the past few weeks. I’m firmly in the Vegan camp now, and happily planning on staying there.

You can reach Eastside Chiropractic Center by calling (401) 453-2225 or by emailing eastsidechiropracticri@gmail.com. We offer chiropractic evaluations, adjustments, range of motion testing, injury rehabilitation, massage therapy, low level laser therapy, and numerous additional wellness services.



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